Oxford plasmalab system 100
Oxford plasmalab system 100

Available gases are: SF6, C4F8, CHF3, O2, Ar, N2, CF4, CH2F2, C2F6, and He.įor recipes and materials specific etch rate information you can view our process development file. The first mode is etching by SF6 followed by wall passivation which is achieved through polymerization of C4F8 on the side walls of the etched features, protecting it from further etching and allowing the next etch step to be directional. This is a load locked PECVD system capable of depositing SiO2, Si3N4 and a-Si. The DRIE system uses the Bosch process which is a pulsed etching alternating repeatedly between two modes to achieve vertical pattern. Oxford Plasma Lab 100 Oxford Instruments - Plasmalab System 100 MANTH University of. For other materials dry etch please use the Oxford PlasmaLab 80 ICP.

Oxford plasmalab system 100 free#

The CNI Fl DRIE etch system is a metal free system dedicated for silicon, silicon oxide, and silicon nitride etch. These thin films include: SiO2 (both TEOS and SiH4-based) SiNx. It is used to deposit low-stress thin films with excellent step coverage on a variety of samples at low temperatures (generally 200 - 300 O C). DC bias can be applied to the substrate to increase directionality of ions into the substrate. This Oxford Plasmalab System 100 is a Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) system. This technique allows fabrication of high aspect ratio silicon features with vertical sidewalls The Cobra ICP etch sources produce a high density of reactive species at relatively low pressure values. Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) etching is a technique which uses a radio frequency (RF) energy coupled into a low pressure gas by an inductive coil mounted on the outside of a quartz window.

Oxford plasmalab system 100